Nicola Mustone

Happiness Lead @ Automattic

Hide Related Products by Category or Tag in WooCommerce

As you probably know, WooCommerce shows related products in the single product page and retrieves automatically them filtering products in the same categories and tags of the shown product.

This is a great feature in my opinion, but can be a double-edge sword when you have a lot of tags and/or categories in your shop, which ends to show unrelated products.

But the developers were smart and included two filters to allow you to filter by categories only or by tags only.

Open your functions.php file in wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/ and add this code at the end of the file:

The first snippet hides products by tag, while the second does the same for categories.

Obviously don’t use both of them together or you will not see any related products.

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54 responses to “Hide Related Products by Category or Tag in WooCommerce”

  1. You have a helpful blog!! Great Job!

    How would I approach if I want to hide all related products for single category?

    There is something on my website that I dont want to show any related product.

    I found some codes online but none of them worked :/

  2. Hello,

    I want two related product slider one based on categories and another one should be based on tags. I am new to woo commerce, if any one could help me with this it would be very help ful

    thank in advance

  3. Really best information posted.

  4. Thanks . It is working.

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